Research shows that there is more pollution inside cars and buildings than outside. This is because these areas lack adequate ventilation, unlike the outside. Areas that have little or no ventilation are likely to carry more dust particles than the outside environment. A lot of people tend to underestimate the effects of dust. Though you may think of dust as a mere irritant, it is more than that. It acts as a magnet to viruses, dust mites, and bacteria, which can affect your health because they trigger allergic reactions. Homes also harbor dangerous gases that are emitted from fireplaces and gas stoves. This is why every homeowner today is encouraged to invest in an air filter. This article seeks to look at some of the reasons why you should buy an air filter for your home, workplace, and car, visit https://www.discountfilters.com/air-filters/20x25x1/ to get more tips. Firstly, this air filters gets rid of allergens such as pet odor ad dust. Some people are so allergic to pets that they do not have to touch them for them to have allergic reactions. Most pets shed hairs, and some of these hairs may be trapped in the air. They can be life-threatening when inhaled by people with allergies, hence the need for you to invest in a high-quality air filter. They also eliminate pollen and many other allergens that could be stuck in your house from the air. It is best that you look for an air filter that eliminates these allergens without releasing ozone because this is an allergy irritant. You should not get rid of one problem only to bring in a new one. Ensure that you conduct thorough research of the air filter you plan on buying if you have a lot of allergies. Secondly, carrier aircon filter can protect you from lung disease by eliminating tobacco and cigarette smoke from the air. Research shows that you can develop lung disease even if you do not smoke, just from inhaling the smoke from those who do. Apart from causing lung diseases, smoke also increases the chances of developing obstructive pulmonary illnesses as well as other heart diseases. You need to protect yourself by investing in an air filter that can trap tobacco smoke. This is more so if you have children or elderly people in your home because they are more susceptible to the effects of second-hand smoke. Buy an air filter that has activated carbon as it has better chances of trapping cigarette smoke than regular air filters. To get a detailed overview of this topic, see here: https://www.encyclopedia.com/science-and-technology/technology/technology-terms-and-concepts/air-conditioning.